Deprecated, replaced by com.adobe.cairngorm.model.IModelLocator.

Marker interface used to mark the custom ModelLocator.

ModelLocator is the marker interface used by Cairngorm applications to implement the model in an Model-View-Controller architecture.

The model locator in an application is a singleton that the application uses to store the client side model. An example implementation might be:

class ShopModelLocator implements ModelLocator {
	private static var instance:ShopModelLocator;

	public function new()  {   
		if (instance != null) {
			throw new CairngormError(
				CairngormMessageCodes.SINGLETON_EXCEPTION, "ShopModelLocator");
		instance = this;

	public static function getInstance():ShopModelLocator {
		if (instance == null) {
				instance = new ShopModelLocator();

		return instance;

	public var products:ICollectionView;

Throughout the rest of the application, the developer can then access the products from the model, as follows:

var products:ICollectionView = ShopModelLocator.getInstance().products;