The StringUtil utility class is an all-static class with methods for working with String objects within Flex. You do not create instances of StringUtil; instead you call methods such as the StringUtil.substitute() method.

Static methods

staticsubstitute(str:String, rest:Rest<String>):String

Substitutes "{n}" tokens within the specified string with the respective arguments passed in.

var str:String = "here is some info '{0}' and {1}";
trace(StringUtil.substitute(str, 15.4, true));
// this will output the following string:
// "here is some info '15.4' and true"

Note that this uses String.replace and "$" can have special meaning in the argument strings escape by using "$$".



The string to make substitutions in. This string can contain special tokens of the form {n}, where n is a zero based index, that will be replaced with the additional parameters found at that index if specified.


Additional parameters that can be substituted in the str parameter at each {n} location, where n is an integer (zero based) index value into the array of values specified. If the first parameter is an array this array will be used as a parameter list. This allows reuse of this routine in other methods that want to use the ... rest signature. For example

public function myTracer(str:String,
	label.text += ValidationStringUtil.substitute(str, rest) + "\n";


New string with all of the {n} tokens replaced with the respective arguments specified.