Provides optional percentage sizing for children of containers that use HorizontalLayout.


Dispatched when a property of the layout data changes, which triggers the container to invalidate.

Available since



See also:

Static methods


Creates HorizontalLayoutData that fills the parent container, with the percentWidth and percentHeight both set to 100.0.

In the following example, one of the container's children fills the container's bounds:

var container = new LayoutGroup();
container.layout = new HorizontalLayout();

var child = new Label();
child.layoutData = HorizontalLayoutData.fill();
Available since



See also:

@:value({ percentWidth : 100.0 })staticfillHorizontal(percentWidth:Float = 100.0):HorizontalLayoutData

Creates HorizontalLayoutData that fills the width of the parent container, with the ability to optionally specify a percentage value to pass to percentWidth.

In the following example, one of the container's children fills the container's width:

var container = new LayoutGroup();
container.layout = new HorizontalLayout();

var child = new Label();
child.layoutData = HorizontalLayoutData.fillHorizontal();
Available since



See also:

@:value({ percentHeight : 100.0 })staticfillVertical(percentHeight:Float = 100.0):HorizontalLayoutData

Creates HorizontalLayoutData that fills the height of the parent container, with the ability to optionally specify a percentage value to pass to percentHeight.

In the following example, one of the container's children fills the container's height:

var container = new LayoutGroup();
container.layout = new HorizontalLayout();

var child = new Label();
child.layoutData = HorizontalLayoutData.fillHorizontal();
Available since



See also:


new(?percentWidth:Float, ?percentHeight:Float)

Creates a new HorizontalLayoutData object from the given arguments.

Available since





Extra space, measured in pixels, that is inserted before this item in the layout.

This item's marginLeft value will be added to the layout's gap value and the previous item's marginRight value to create the total space between items. If this is the first item in the layout, nothing will be added to this item's marginLeft value.

Negative values are allowed for the margins.

Available since



See also:


Extra space, measured in pixels, that is inserted after this item in the layout.

This item's marginRight value will be added to the layout's gap value and the next item's marginLeft value to create the total space between items. If this is the last item in the layout, nothing will be added too the marginRight value.

Negative values are allowed for the margins.

Available since



See also:


The height of the layout object, as a percentage of the parent container's height.

A percentage may be specified in the range from 0.0 to 100.0. If the value is set to null, this property is ignored.

Tip: If all children of the same container will have the percentHeight value set to 100.0, it's better for performance to set HorizontalLayout.verticalAlign to VerticalAlign.JUSTIFY instead.

In the following example, the height of a container's child is set to 50% of the container's height:

var container = new LayoutGroup();
container.layout = new HorizontalLayout();

var percentages = new HorizontalLayoutData();
percentages.percentHeight = 50.0;

var child = new Label();
child.layoutData = percentages;
Available since




The width of the layout object, as a percentage of the parent container's width.

A percentage may be specified in the range from 0.0 to 100.0. If the value is set to null, this property is ignored and the standard width in pixels will be used.

The parent container will calculate the sum of all of its children with explicit pixel widths, and then the remaining space will be distributed to children with percent widths. Additionally, if the total sum of percentWidth values exceeds 100.0, all percentWidth values will be normalized to the range from 0.0 to 100.0.

In the following example, the width of a container's child is set to 50% of the container's width:

var container = new LayoutGroup();
container.layout = new HorizontalLayout();

var percentages = new HorizontalLayoutData();
percentages.percentWidth = 50.0;

var child = new Label();
child.layoutData = percentages;
Available since

