AsyncMessage is the base class for all asynchronous messages.

Static variables

@:value("DSSubtopic")staticfinalread onlySUBTOPIC_HEADER:String = "DSSubtopic"

Messages sent by a MessageAgent with a defined subtopic property indicate their target subtopic in this header.


@:value({ headers : null, body : null })new(?body:Any, ?headers:Any)

Constructs an instance of an AsyncMessage with an empty body and header. In addition to this default behavior, the body and the headers for the message may also be passed to the constructor as a convenience. An example of this invocation approach for the body is: var msg:AsyncMessage = new AsyncMessage("Body text"); An example that provides both the body and headers is: var msg:AsyncMessage = new AsyncMessage("Body text", {"customerHeader":"customValue"});



The optional body to assign to the message.


The optional headers to assign to the message.



Provides access to the correlation id of the message. Used for acknowledgement and for segmentation of messages. The correlationId contains the messageId of the previous message that this message refers to.

See also:

  • feathers.messaging.messages.AbstractMessage#messageId


Inherited Variables

Defined by AbstractMessage


The body of a message contains the specific data that needs to be delivered to the remote destination.


The clientId indicates which MessageAgent sent the message.


The message destination.


The headers of a message are an associative array where the key is the header name and the value is the header value. This property provides access to the specialized meta information for the specific message instance. Core header names begin with a 'DS' prefix. Custom header names should start with a unique prefix to avoid name collisions.


The unique id for the message.


The time to live value of a message indicates how long the message should be considered valid and deliverable. This value works in conjunction with the timestamp value. Time to live is the number of milliseconds that this message remains valid starting from the specified timestamp value. For example, if the timestamp value is 04/05/05 1:30:45 PST and the timeToLive value is 5000, then this message will expire at 04/05/05 1:30:50 PST. Once a message expires it will not be delivered to any other clients.


Provides access to the time stamp for the message. A time stamp is the date and time that the message was sent. The time stamp is used for tracking the message through the system, ensuring quality of service levels and providing a mechanism for message expiration.

See also:

Inherited Methods

Defined by AbstractMessage


Returns a string representation of the message.


String representation of the message.