Check out some additional documentation from the Feathers UI Manual to help you get started with the feathers.controls.dataRenderers package:
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DrillDownItemRenderer | A branch and leaf renderer for data containers that can drill down into hierarchical data. Displays an additional icon on the right side to indicate whether it represents a branch or not. |
GridViewRowRenderer | Renders a row of data in the |
HierarchicalItemRenderer | A branch and leaf renderer for hierarchical data containers, such as
IDataRenderer | A type of UI component that displays arbitrary data from a component such as
IGridViewCellRenderer | A cell renderer optimized for the |
IGridViewHeaderRenderer | A header renderer optimized for the |
IGroupListViewItemRenderer | An item renderer optimized for the |
IHierarchicalDepthItemRenderer | An item renderer that appears with a hierarchical collection and has awareness of its depth. A common use would be to determine how far to indent the content of items that are deeper in the hierarchy. |
IHierarchicalItemRenderer | An item renderer optimized for hierarchical data. |
IListViewItemRenderer | An item renderer optimized for the |
IOptionalHierarchyItemRenderer | An item renderer for hierarchical data containers that may optionally hide
any indicators that it is rendered in a hierarchy. Used by |
ITreeGridViewCellRenderer | A cell renderer optimized for the |
ITreeGridViewHeaderRenderer | A header renderer optimized for the |
ITreeViewItemRenderer | An item renderer optimized for the |
ItemRenderer | A generic renderer for UI components that display data collections. |
LayoutGroupItemRenderer | A generic renderer with support for layout that may support any number of
children. Designed to be used by UI components that display data
collections, such as |
SortOrderHeaderRenderer | A header renderer for |
TreeGridViewRowRenderer | Renders a row of data in the |