Check out some additional documentation from the Feathers UI Manual to help you get started with the feathers.controls package:
.. | |
dataRenderers | |
navigators | |
popups | |
supportClasses | |
ActivityIndicator | Displays an animation to indicate that an activity of indeterminate length
is currently happening. The animation remains active while the activity
indicator is added to the display list — unless its |
Alert | Displays a message in a modal pop-up dialog with a title and a set of buttons. |
Application | An optional root class for Feathers UI applications that will automatically scale the application based on the screen density of the device. |
AssetLoader | Loads and displays an asset using either OpenFL's asset management system or from a URL. |
BasicButton | A simple button control with states, but no content, that is useful for
purposes like skinning. For a more full-featured button, with a label and
icon, see |
BasicToggleButton | A simple toggle button control with selection, pointer states, but no
content, that is useful for purposes like skinning. For a more full-featured
toggle button, with a label and icon, see |
BitmapImage | Displays |
Button | A push button control that may be triggered when pressed and released. |
ButtonBar | A grouping of buttons. |
ButtonState | States for |
Callout | A pop-up container that points at (or calls out) a specific region of the application (typically a specific control that triggered it). |
Check | A toggle control that contains a label and a box that may be checked (or unchecked) to indicate selection. |
Collapsible | A container that displays primary |
ComboBox | Displays a control consisting of a |
DatePicker | Displays a calendar month view that allows the selection of a date. The header displays the current month and year name, along with buttons to change the currently displayed month and year. The buttons in the header may be hidden, if desired. |
Drawer | A container that displays primary |
Form | Groups a set of user-editable fields together. Supports the submission of data when the Enter/Return key is pressed, or when a specific button is triggered. |
FormItem | Displays text next to a control in a form. |
GridView | Displays a list of items as a table. Each item is rendered as a row, divided into columns for each of the item's fields. Supports scrolling, custom cell, sorting columns, resizing columns, and drag and drop re-ordering of columns. |
GridViewColumn | Configures a column in a |
GroupListView | Displays a list of items divided into groups or sections. Accepts a
hierarchical tree of items, similar to |
HDividedBox | A container that displays draggable dividers between each of its children, which are positioned from left to right in a single row. |
HProgressBar | Displays the progress of a task in a horizontal direction, from left to right. |
HScrollBar | A horizontal scroll bar, for use with scrolling containers like
HSlider | A horizontal slider where you may select a value within a range by dragging a thumb along the x-axis of a track. |
Header | A header that displays a title in the center, and optional views on the left and right. |
IGridViewColumn | Interface for column data in components like |
IGroupedToggle | A toggle associated with a specific group. |
IRange | A UI component that displays a range of values from a minimum to a maximum. |
IScrollBar | Minimum requirements for a scroll bar to be usable with subclasses of the
IToggle | An interface for a user interface component that may be selected. |
ITriggerView | A UI component that dispatches |
Label | Displays text with an optional background. |
LayoutGroup | A generic container that supports layouts and automatically sizes itself based on its content. |
ListView | Displays a one-dimensional list of items. Supports scrolling, custom item renderers, custom layouts, and the ability to drag and drop items to new positions within the list view (along with moving items between different list views). |
NumericStepper | Select a value between a minimum and a maximum by using increment and decrement buttons or typing in a value in a text input. |
PageIndicator | Displays a series of dots or other symbols, usually corresponding to a page
index in another UI control, such as |
PageIndicatorInteractionMode | Constants that define how the |
Panel | A container with a header on top and a footer on the bottom, with a region in the center for content that supports layout and scrolling. Both the header and the footer are optional. |
PopUpDatePicker | Displays a control consisting of a |
PopUpListView | Displays a |
ProgressBarFillMode | Constants that define how the fill of the |
Radio | A selectable control that may be toggled on and off and exists in a group that requires a single, exclusive toggled item. |
ScrollContainer | A generic container that supports layout, scrolling, and a background skin. |
ScrollMode | Methods of updating the scrolling view port in containers. |
ScrollPolicy | Constants that define whether a container that supports scrolling enables scrolling or not. |
TabBar | A line of tabs, where one may be selected at a time. |
TextArea | A text entry control that allows users to enter and edit multiple lines of uniformly-formatted text with the ability to scroll. |
TextCallout | A special type of |
TextInput | A text entry control that allows users to enter and edit a single line of uniformly-formatted text. |
TextInputState | States for |
ToggleButton | A button that may be selected and deselected when clicked. |
ToggleButtonState | States for toggle button components, including controls like |
ToggleSwitch | Similar to a light switch, with on and off states that may be toggled.
An alternative to a |
TreeGridView | Displays a hierarchical tree of items as a table. Each item is rendered as a row, divided into columns for each of the item's fields. Supports scrolling, custom cell, resizing columns, and drag and drop re-ordering of columns. |
TreeGridViewColumn | Configures a column in a |
TreeView | Displays a hierarchical tree of items. Supports scrolling, custom item renderers, and custom layouts. |
VDividedBox | A container that displays draggable dividers between each of its children, which are positioned from top to bottom in a single column. |
VProgressBar | Displays the progress of a task in a vertical direction, from bottom to top. |
VScrollBar | A vertical scroll bar, for use with scrolling containers like
VSlider | A vertical slider where you may select a value within a range by dragging a thumb along the y-axis of a track. |