An individual item that will be displayed by a RouterNavigator component. Provides the URL path, the view, and an optional list of events to map to actions (like navigate) on the RouterNavigator.

Available since






The URL path associated with this route.

Available since




setAction (eventType:String, action:RouterAction):Void

Sets a new action to perform when the view dispatches an event. If the action is null, removes an action that was set previously.

Available since



Static methods

staticwithClass (path:String, viewClass:Class<DisplayObject>, ?actions:Map<String, RouterAction>):Route

Creates a Route that instantiates a view from a class that extends DisplayObject when the RouterNavigator requests the item's view.

staticwithDisplayObject (path:String, viewInstance:DisplayObject, ?actions:Map<String, RouterAction>):Route

Creates a Route that always returns the same DisplayObject instance when the RouterNavigator requests the item's view.

staticwithFunction (path:String, viewFunction:Void ‑> DisplayObject, ?actions:Map<String, RouterAction>):Route

Creates a Route that calls a function that returns a DisplayObject when the RouterNavigator requests the item's view.