A skin for Feathers UI components that draws a circle. The circle's fill and border may be styled.

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new ()

Creates a new CircleSkin object.

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Inherited Variables

Defined by BaseGraphicsPathSkin


How the path's border is styled.

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How the path's border is styled when the state context is disabled. To use this skin, the state context must implement the IUIControl interface.

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@:value(null)disabledFill:FillStyle = null

How the path's fill is styled when the state context is disabled. To use this skin, the state context must implement the IUIControl interface.

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@:value(SolidColor(0xcccccc))fill:FillStyle = SolidColor(0xcccccc)

How the path's fill is styled. For example, it could be a solid color, a gradient, or a tiled bitmap.

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How the path's border is styled when the state context is selected. To use this skin, the state context must implement the IToggle interface.

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@:value(null)selectedFill:FillStyle = null

How the path's fill is styled when the state context is selected. To use this skin, the state context must implement the IToggle interface.

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An optional IStateContext that is used to change the styles of the skin when its state changes.

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Defined by MeasureSprite

@:value(null)@:isVarexplicitHeight:Null<Float> = null

@:value(null)@:isVarexplicitMaxHeight:Null<Float> = null

@:value(null)@:isVarexplicitMaxWidth:Null<Float> = null

@:value(null)@:isVarexplicitMinHeight:Null<Float> = null

@:value(null)@:isVarexplicitMinWidth:Null<Float> = null

@:value(null)@:isVarexplicitWidth:Null<Float> = null

Defined by ValidatingSprite

@:value(-1)read onlydepth:Int = -1

Inherited Methods

Defined by BaseGraphicsPathSkin

private@:dox(show)drawPath ():Void

Subclasses should override drawPath() to draw the skin's graphics.

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getBorderForState (state:EnumValue):LineStyle

Gets the border style to be used by the skin when the context's currentState property matches the specified state value.

If a border is not defined for a specific state, returns null.

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getFillForState (state:EnumValue):FillStyle

Gets the fill style to be used by the skin when the context's currentState property matches the specified state value.

If a fill is not defined for a specific state, returns null.

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private@:dox(show)needsStateUpdate ():Bool

Checks if a the current state requires the skin to be redrawn.

Subclasses may need to override this method if they add any additional state-dependent properties similar to getCurrentBorder and getCurrentFill.

Available since



setBorderForState (state:EnumValue, border:LineStyle):Void

Sets the border style to be used by the skin when the context's currentState property matches the specified state value.

If a color is not defined for a specific state, the value of the border property will be used instead.

To clear a state's border, pass in null.

Available since




setFillForState (state:EnumValue, fill:FillStyle):Void

Sets the fill style to be used by the skin when the context's currentState property matches the specified state value.

If a color is not defined for a specific state, the value of the fill property will be used instead.

To clear a state's fill, pass in null.

Available since




Defined by MeasureSprite

private@:value({ minHeight : 0.0, minWidth : 0.0 })@:dox(show)saveMeasurements (width:Float, height:Float, minWidth:Float = 0.0, minHeight:Float = 0.0, ?maxWidth:Float, ?maxHeight:Float):Bool

Saves the calculated dimensions for the component, replacing any values that haven't been set explicitly. Returns true if the reported values have changed and Event.RESIZE was dispatched.

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Defined by ValidatingSprite

@:value({ flag : null })isInvalid (?flag:String):Bool

Indicates whether the control is pending validation or not. By default, returns true if any invalidation flag has been set. If you pass in a specific flag, returns true only if that flag has been set (others may be set too, but it checks the specific flag only. If all flags have been marked as invalid, always returns true.

The following example invalidates a component:

trace(component.isInvalid()); // true
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@:value({ flag : null })setInvalid (?flag:String):Void

Call this function to tell the UI control that a redraw is pending. The redraw will happen immediately before OpenFL renders the UI control to the screen. The validation system exists to ensure that multiple properties can be set together without redrawing multiple times in between each property change.

If you cannot wait until later for the validation to happen, you can call validate() to redraw immediately. As an example, you might want to validate immediately if you need to access the correct width or height values of the UI control, since these values are calculated during validation.

The following example invalidates a component:

trace(component.isInvalid()); // true
Available since



private@:dox(show)setInvalidationFlag (flag:String):Void

Sets an invalidation flag. This will not add the component to the validation queue. It only sets the flag. A subclass might use this function during draw() to manipulate the flags that its superclass sees.

Available since




private@:dox(show)update ():Void

Override to customize layout and to adjust properties of children. Called when the component validates, if any flags have been marked to indicate that validation is pending.

The following example overrides updating after invalidation:

override private function update():Void {

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