Register themes globally in a Feathers UI application. May apply to the entire application, or to the contents of a specific container.

Available since



Static variables

staticread onlyfallbackTheme:ITheme

The fallback theme used when the primary theme does not provide styles for a target object. Generally, this function is only used internally by Feathers UI.

Available since



Static methods

staticgetTheme (?object:IStyleObject):ITheme

Returns the theme that applies to a specific object, or the primary theme, if no object is specified. Generally, this function is only used internally by Feathers UI.

Available since



@:value({ disposeOldTheme : true })staticsetTheme (theme:ITheme, ?root:DisplayObjectContainer, disposeOldTheme:Bool = true):Void

Sets the application's theme, or the theme of a specific container.

Available since

