A simple list layout that positions items from top to bottom, in a single column, where every item fills the entire width of the container.

If all items in the container should have the same height, consider using VerticalListFixedRowLayout instead. When a fixed height for items is known, that layout offers better performance optimization.

Available since





Creates a new VerticalListLayout object.

Available since




@:value(0.0)gap:Float = 0.0

The space, in pixels, between each two adjacent items in the layout.

In the following example, the layout's gap is set to 20 pixels:

layout.gap = 20.0;
Available since



@:value(0.0)paddingBottom:Float = 0.0

The space, in pixels, between the parent container's bottom edge and its content.

In the following example, the layout's bottom padding is set to 20 pixels:

layout.paddingBottom = 20.0;
Available since



@:value(0.0)paddingLeft:Float = 0.0

The space, in pixels, between the parent container's left edge and its content.

In the following example, the layout's left padding is set to 20 pixels:

layout.paddingLeft = 20.0;
Available since



@:value(0.0)paddingRight:Float = 0.0

The space, in pixels, between the parent container's right edge and its content.

In the following example, the layout's right padding is set to 20 pixels:

layout.paddingRight = 20.0;
Available since



@:value(0.0)paddingTop:Float = 0.0

The space, in pixels, between the parent container's top edge and its content.

In the following example, the layout's top padding is set to 20 pixels:

layout.paddingTop = 20.0;
Available since



@:value(5.0)requestedRowCount:Null<Float> = 5.0

The number of rows to render, if the height of the container has not been set explicitly. If null, shows all rows.

In the following example, the layout's requested row count is set to 2 complete items:

layout.requestedRowCount = 2.0;
Available since



@:value(0.0)scrollX:Float = 0.0

@:value(0.0)scrollY:Float = 0.0

@:value(TOP)verticalAlign:VerticalAlign = TOP

How the content is positioned vertically (along the y-axis) within the container.

Note: The VerticalAlign.JUSTIFY constant is not supported by this layout.

The following example aligns the container's content to the bottom:

layout.verticalAlign = BOTTOM;
Available since



See also:


getNearestScrollPositionForIndex(index:Int, itemCount:Int, width:Float, height:Float, ?result:Point):Point

layout(items:Array<DisplayObject>, measurements:Measurements, ?result:LayoutBoundsResult):LayoutBoundsResult