Sets the optional span and offset for an item in a ResponsiveGridLayout.

Available since



See also:


@:value({ xlOffset : -1, xlSpan : -1, lgOffset : -1, lgSpan : -1, mdOffset : -1, mdSpan : -1, smOffset : -1, smSpan : -1, offset : 0, span : 1 })new(span:Int = 1, offset:Int = 0, smSpan:Int = -1, smOffset:Int = -1, mdSpan:Int = -1, mdOffset:Int = -1, lgSpan:Int = -1, lgOffset:Int = -1, xlSpan:Int = -1, xlOffset:Int = -1)

Creates a new ResponsiveGridLayoutData object from the given arguments.

Available since





The number of empty columns to display before the start of this item when the layout is using the lg breakpoint. Set to -1 to fall back to mdOffset.

Available since



See also:


The number of columns that this item spans when the layout is using the lg breakpoint. Set to -1 to fall back to mdSpan.

Available since



See also:


The number of empty columns to display before the start of this item when the layout is using the md breakpoint. Set to -1 to fall back to smOffset.

Available since



See also:


The number of columns that this item spans when the layout is using the md breakpoint. Set to -1 to fall back to smSpan.

Available since



See also:


The number of empty columns to display before the start of this item.

Available since




The number of empty columns to display before the start of this item when the layout is using the sm breakpoint. Set to -1 to fall back to the default offset.

Available since



See also:


The number of columns that this item spans when the layout is using the sm breakpoint. Set to -1 to fall back to the default span.

Available since



See also:


The number of columns that this item spans.

Available since




The number of empty columns to display before the start of this item when the layout is using the xl breakpoint. Set to -1 to fall back to lgOffset.

Available since



See also:


The number of columns that this item spans when the layout is using the xl breakpoint. Set to -1 to fall back to lgSpan.

Available since



See also: