Utility that provides touch and mouse wheel scrolling capabilities for any interactive display object.

Available since



Static variables

@:value(-1000)staticfinalread onlyPOINTER_ID_MOUSE:Int = -1000

A special pointer ID for the mouse.

Available since





Creates a new Scroller object with the given arguments.

Available since




@:value(null)bounceEase:IEasing = null

The easing function to use when the scroll position goes outside of the minimum or maximum edge and bounces back.

Available since



See also:

@:flash.propertyread onlycontentHeight:Float

The height of the target's content. Will not scroll unless the height of the content is larger than the height of the target.

Available since



@:flash.propertyread onlycontentWidth:Float

The width of the target's content. Will not scroll unless the width of the content is larger than the width of the target.

Available since




This value is used to decelerate the scroller when "thrown". The velocity of a throw is multiplied by this value once per millisecond to decelerate. A value greater than 0.0 and less than 1.0 is expected.

Available since



@:flash.propertyread onlydraggingX:Bool

Determines if a touch is dragging the target horizontally (on the x-axis).

Available since



@:flash.propertyread onlydraggingY:Bool

Determines if a touch is dragging the target vertically (on the y-axis).

Available since



@:value(Quart.easeOut)ease:IEasing = Quart.easeOut

The easing function to use when animating the scroll position.

Available since



@:value(true)elasticEdges:Bool = true

Determines if the scrolling can go beyond the edges of the viewport and snap back to the minimum or maximum when released.

Available since



See also:

@:value(0.5)elasticSnapDuration:Float = 0.5

The duration, measured in seconds, of the animation when a the scroller snaps back to the minimum or maximum position after going out of bounds.

If elasticEdges is false, this property is ignored.

Available since



@:value(0.33)elasticity:Float = 0.33

If the scroll position goes outside the minimum or maximum bounds when the scroller's content is being actively dragged, the scrolling will be constrained using this multiplier. A value of 0.0 means that the scroller will not go beyond its minimum or maximum bounds. A value of 1.0 means that going beyond the minimum or maximum bounds is completely unrestrained.

If elasticEdges is false, this property is ignored.

Available since



See also:

  • Scroller.elasticEdges

@:value(true)enabledX:Bool = true

Determines if the target can be scrolled horizontally (on the x-axis).

Available since



@:value(true)enabledY:Bool = true

Determines if the target can be scrolled vertically (on the y-axis).

Available since



@:value(false)forceElasticBottom:Bool = false

Forces elasticity on the bottom edge, even if the height of the target's content is not larger than the width height the target.

If elasticEdges is false, this property is ignored.

Available since



See also:

@:value(false)forceElasticLeft:Bool = false

Forces elasticity on the left edge, even if the width of the target's content is not larger than the width of the target.

If elasticEdges is false, this property is ignored.

Available since



See also:

@:value(false)forceElasticRight:Bool = false

Forces elasticity on the right edge, even if the width of the target's content is not larger than the width of the target.

If elasticEdges is false, this property is ignored.

Available since



See also:

@:value(false)forceElasticTop:Bool = false

Forces elasticity on the top edge, even if the height of the target's content is not larger than the width height the target.

If elasticEdges is false, this property is ignored.

Available since



See also:

@:flash.propertyread onlymaxScrollX:Float

The maximum horizontal scroll position.

Available since



@:flash.propertyread onlymaxScrollY:Float

The maximum vertical scroll position.

Available since



@:value(6.0)minDragDistance:Float = 6.0

The minimum distance, measured in pixels, that the target must be dragged to begin scrolling.

Available since



@:flash.propertyread onlyminScrollX:Float

The minimum horizontal scroll position.

Available since



@:flash.propertyread onlyminScrollY:Float

The minimum vertical scroll position.

Available since



@:value(10.0)mouseWheelDeltaX:Float = 10.0

The distance to scroll when the mouse wheel is scrolled horizontally.

Available since



@:value(10.0)mouseWheelDeltaY:Float = 10.0

The distance to scroll when the mouse wheel is scrolled vertically.

Available since



@:value(0.0)mouseWheelDuration:Float = 0.0

The duration, measured in seconds, of the animation when scrolling with the mouse wheel.

Available since



@:value(false)mouseWheelYScrollsX:Bool = false

Determines if rotating the mouse wheel vertically changes the scrollX position instead of scrollY.

Available since



@:flash.propertyread onlypointerID:Int

The pointer that is currently dragging the scroll target. Returns -1 if no pointer is currently associated with the drag.


The current horizontal scroll position.

When the value of the scrollX property changes, the scroller will dispatch an event of type ScrollEvent.SCROLL. This event is dispatched when other scroll position properties change too.

Available since



See also:


The current vertical scroll position.

When the value of the scrollY property changes, the scroller will dispatch an event of type ScrollEvent.SCROLL. This event is dispatched when other scroll position properties change too.

Available since



See also:

@:flash.propertyread onlyscrolling:Bool

Determines if scrolling is currently active.

Available since



@:value(false)simulateTouch:Bool = false

Determines if mouse events should be treated like touch events.

Available since




The container used for scrolling.

Available since



@:value(0.05)throwElasticity:Float = 0.05

If the scroll position goes outside the minimum or maximum bounds when when the scroller's content is "thrown", the scrolling will be constrained using this multiplier. A value of 0.0 means that the scroller will not go beyond its minimum or maximum bounds. A value of 1.0 means that going beyond the minimum or maximum bounds is completely unrestrained.

If elasticEdges is false, this property is ignored.

Available since



See also:

  • Scroller.elasticEdges

  • Scroller.elasticity

@:flash.propertyread onlyvisibleHeight:Float

The height of the target's scrollable region.

Available since



@:flash.propertyread onlyvisibleWidth:Float

The width of the target's scrollable region.

Available since




setDimensions(?visibleWidth:Float, ?visibleHeight:Float, ?contentWidth:Float, ?contentHeight:Float):Void

Updates the dimensions of both the target and its content.

Available since




Immediately stops any animation that affects the scrolling.

Available since

