Events dispatched by Feathers UI components.

Available since



Static variables

@:value("closing")staticinlineread onlyCLOSING:EventType<FeathersEvent> = "closing"

The FeathersEvent.OPENING event type is dispatched when a component starts to close.

Available since



@:value("creationComplete")staticinlineread onlyCREATION_COMPLETE:EventType<FeathersEvent> = "creationComplete"

The FeathersEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE event type is dispatched when a Feathers UI component has finished validating for the first time. A well-designed component will have created all of its children and it will be completely ready for user interaction.

Available since



See also:

@:value("disable")staticinlineread onlyDISABLE:EventType<FeathersEvent> = "disable"

The FeathersEvent.DISABLE event type is dispatched when the enabled property of a component is set to false.

Available since



@:value("enable")staticinlineread onlyENABLE:EventType<FeathersEvent> = "enable"

The FeathersEvent.ENABLE event type is dispatched when the enabled property of a component is set to true.

Available since



@:value("initialize")staticinlineread onlyINITIALIZE:EventType<FeathersEvent> = "initialize"

The FeathersEvent.INITIALIZE event type is dispatched when a Feathers component has finished running its initialize() function.

Available since



See also:

@:value("layoutDataChange")staticinlineread onlyLAYOUT_DATA_CHANGE:EventType<FeathersEvent> = "layoutDataChange"

The FeathersEvent.LAYOUT_DATA_CHANGE event type is dispatched when a change to a Feathers UI component affects the layout of its parent container. For example, this event is dispatchedn when the includeInLayout or layoutData properties change.

Available since



See also:

@:value("opening")staticinlineread onlyOPENING:EventType<FeathersEvent> = "opening"

The FeathersEvent.OPENING event type is dispatched when a component starts to open.

Available since



@:value("stateChange")staticinlineread onlySTATE_CHANGE:EventType<FeathersEvent> = "stateChange"

The FeathersEvent.STATE_CHANGE event type is dispatched by classes that implement the IStateContext interface when their current state changes.

Available since



See also:

@:value("transitionCancel")staticinlineread onlyTRANSITION_CANCEL:EventType<FeathersEvent> = "transitionCancel"

Deprecated: "FeathersEvent.TRANSITION_CANCEL replaced by TransitionEvent.TRANSITION_CANCEL"

The FeathersEvent.TRANSITION_CANCEL event type is dispatched when a navigator cancels a transition between items and has restored the previous item.

Available since



See also:

@:value("transitionComplete")staticinlineread onlyTRANSITION_COMPLETE:EventType<FeathersEvent> = "transitionComplete"

Deprecated: "FeathersEvent.TRANSITION_COMPLETE replaced by TransitionEvent.TRANSITION_COMPLETE"

The FeathersEvent.TRANSITION_COMPLETE event type is dispatched when a navigator completes transitioning between items.

Available since



See also:

@:value("transitionStart")staticinlineread onlyTRANSITION_START:EventType<FeathersEvent> = "transitionStart"

Deprecated: "FeathersEvent.TRANSITION_START replaced by TransitionEvent.TRANSITION_START"

The FeathersEvent.TRANSITION_START event type is dispatched when a navigator start transitioning between items.

Available since



See also:

Static methods

@:value({ cancelable : false, bubbles : false })staticdispatch(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher, type:String, bubbles:Bool = false, cancelable:Bool = false):Bool

Dispatches a pooled event with the specified properties.

FeathersEvent.dispatch(component, Event.CHANGE);
Available since




@:value({ cancelable : false, bubbles : false })new(type:String, bubbles:Bool = false, cancelable:Bool = false)

Creates a new FeathersEvent object with the given arguments.

Available since



See also:
