- controls
- dataRenderers
- GridViewRowRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- HierarchicalItemRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- IDataRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- IGridViewCellRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- IGridViewHeaderRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- IGroupListViewItemRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- IHierarchicalDepthItemRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- IHierarchicalItemRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- IListViewItemRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- IOptionalHierarchyItemRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- ITreeGridViewCellRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- ITreeGridViewHeaderRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- ITreeViewItemRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- ItemRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- LayoutGroupItemRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- SortOrderHeaderRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- TreeGridViewRowRenderer - feathers.controls.dataRenderers
- navigators
- BaseNavigator - feathers.controls.navigators
- HistoryState - feathers.controls.navigators
- PageItem - feathers.controls.navigators
- PageNavigator - feathers.controls.navigators
- Route - feathers.controls.navigators
- RouterAction - feathers.controls.navigators
- RouterNavigator - feathers.controls.navigators
- StackAction - feathers.controls.navigators
- StackItem - feathers.controls.navigators
- StackNavigator - feathers.controls.navigators
- TabItem - feathers.controls.navigators
- TabNavigator - feathers.controls.navigators
- popups
- supportClasses
- BaseDividedBox - feathers.controls.supportClasses
- BaseProgressBar - feathers.controls.supportClasses
- BaseScrollBar - feathers.controls.supportClasses
- BaseScrollContainer - feathers.controls.supportClasses
- BaseSlider - feathers.controls.supportClasses
- IViewPort - feathers.controls.supportClasses
- LayoutViewPort - feathers.controls.supportClasses
- TextFieldViewPort - feathers.controls.supportClasses
- ActivityIndicator - feathers.controls
- Alert - feathers.controls
- Application - feathers.controls
- AssetLoader - feathers.controls
- BasicButton - feathers.controls
- BasicToggleButton - feathers.controls
- Button - feathers.controls
- ButtonBar - feathers.controls
- ButtonState - feathers.controls
- Callout - feathers.controls
- Check - feathers.controls
- Collapsible - feathers.controls
- ComboBox - feathers.controls
- DatePicker - feathers.controls
- Drawer - feathers.controls
- Form - feathers.controls
- FormItem - feathers.controls
- GridView - feathers.controls
- GridViewColumn - feathers.controls
- GroupListView - feathers.controls
- HDividedBox - feathers.controls
- HProgressBar - feathers.controls
- HScrollBar - feathers.controls
- HSlider - feathers.controls
- Header - feathers.controls
- IGridViewColumn - feathers.controls
- IGroupedToggle - feathers.controls
- IRange - feathers.controls
- IScrollBar - feathers.controls
- IToggle - feathers.controls
- ITriggerView - feathers.controls
- Label - feathers.controls
- LayoutGroup - feathers.controls
- ListView - feathers.controls
- NumericStepper - feathers.controls
- PageIndicator - feathers.controls
- PageIndicatorInteractionMode - feathers.controls
- Panel - feathers.controls
- PopUpDatePicker - feathers.controls
- PopUpListView - feathers.controls
- ProgressBarFillMode - feathers.controls
- Radio - feathers.controls
- ScrollContainer - feathers.controls
- ScrollMode - feathers.controls
- ScrollPolicy - feathers.controls
- TabBar - feathers.controls
- TextArea - feathers.controls
- TextCallout - feathers.controls
- TextInput - feathers.controls
- TextInputState - feathers.controls
- ToggleButton - feathers.controls
- ToggleButtonState - feathers.controls
- ToggleSwitch - feathers.controls
- TreeGridView - feathers.controls
- TreeGridViewColumn - feathers.controls
- TreeView - feathers.controls
- VDividedBox - feathers.controls
- VProgressBar - feathers.controls
- VScrollBar - feathers.controls
- VSlider - feathers.controls
- dataRenderers
- core
- CustomScaleManager - feathers.core
- DefaultFocusManager - feathers.core
- DefaultPopUpManager - feathers.core
- DefaultToolTipManager - feathers.core
- FeathersControl - feathers.core
- FocusManager - feathers.core
- IDataSelector - feathers.core
- IDateSelector - feathers.core
- IFocusContainer - feathers.core
- IFocusExclusions - feathers.core
- IFocusExtras - feathers.core
- IFocusManager - feathers.core
- IFocusManagerAware - feathers.core
- IFocusObject - feathers.core
- IHTMLTextControl - feathers.core
- IIndexSelector - feathers.core
- IMeasureObject - feathers.core
- IOpenCloseToggle - feathers.core
- IPointerDelegate - feathers.core
- IPopUpManager - feathers.core
- IScaleManager - feathers.core
- IStageFocusDelegate - feathers.core
- IStateContext - feathers.core
- IStateObserver - feathers.core
- ITextControl - feathers.core
- IToolTipManager - feathers.core
- IUIControl - feathers.core
- IValidating - feathers.core
- InvalidationFlag - feathers.core
- LetterboxScaleManager - feathers.core
- MeasureSprite - feathers.core
- PopUpManager - feathers.core
- ScreenDensityScaleManager - feathers.core
- ToggleGroup - feathers.core
- ToolTipManager - feathers.core
- ValidatingSprite - feathers.core
- ValidationQueue - feathers.core
- data
- ArrayCollection - feathers.data
- ArrayHierarchicalCollection - feathers.data
- ButtonBarItemState - feathers.data
- DatePickerItemState - feathers.data
- GridViewCellState - feathers.data
- GridViewHeaderState - feathers.data
- GroupListViewItemState - feathers.data
- GroupListViewItemType - feathers.data
- IFlatCollection - feathers.data
- IHierarchicalCollection - feathers.data
- ISortOrderObserver - feathers.data
- ListViewItemState - feathers.data
- PageIndicatorItemState - feathers.data
- RouteState - feathers.data
- SortOrder - feathers.data
- TabBarItemState - feathers.data
- TreeCollection - feathers.data
- TreeGridViewCellState - feathers.data
- TreeGridViewHeaderState - feathers.data
- TreeNode - feathers.data
- TreeViewItemState - feathers.data
- display
- dragDrop
- events
- ButtonBarEvent - feathers.events
- DatePickerEvent - feathers.events
- DragDropEvent - feathers.events
- FeathersEvent - feathers.events
- FlatCollectionEvent - feathers.events
- FormEvent - feathers.events
- GridViewEvent - feathers.events
- GroupListViewEvent - feathers.events
- HierarchicalCollectionEvent - feathers.events
- ListViewEvent - feathers.events
- LongPressEvent - feathers.events
- ScrollEvent - feathers.events
- StyleProviderEvent - feathers.events
- TabBarEvent - feathers.events
- TransitionEvent - feathers.events
- TreeGridViewEvent - feathers.events
- TreeViewEvent - feathers.events
- TriggerEvent - feathers.events
- graphics
- layout
- AbstractAnchor - feathers.layout
- Anchor - feathers.layout
- AnchorLayout - feathers.layout
- AnchorLayoutData - feathers.layout
- AutoSizeMode - feathers.layout
- Breakpoint - feathers.layout
- CalendarGridLayout - feathers.layout
- Direction - feathers.layout
- FlowRowsLayout - feathers.layout
- FormLayout - feathers.layout
- GridViewRowLayout - feathers.layout
- HDividedBoxLayout - feathers.layout
- HorizontalAlign - feathers.layout
- HorizontalDistributedLayout - feathers.layout
- HorizontalLayout - feathers.layout
- HorizontalLayoutData - feathers.layout
- HorizontalListLayout - feathers.layout
- IDragDropLayout - feathers.layout
- IKeyboardNavigationLayout - feathers.layout
- ILayout - feathers.layout
- ILayoutData - feathers.layout
- ILayoutIndexObject - feathers.layout
- ILayoutObject - feathers.layout
- IScrollLayout - feathers.layout
- ISnapLayout - feathers.layout
- IVirtualLayout - feathers.layout
- LayoutBoundsResult - feathers.layout
- Measurements - feathers.layout
- PagedTiledRowsListLayout - feathers.layout
- RelativePosition - feathers.layout
- RelativePositions - feathers.layout
- ResponsiveGridLayout - feathers.layout
- ResponsiveGridLayoutData - feathers.layout
- TiledRowsLayout - feathers.layout
- TiledRowsListLayout - feathers.layout
- VDividedBoxLayout - feathers.layout
- VerticalAlign - feathers.layout
- VerticalDistributedLayout - feathers.layout
- VerticalLayout - feathers.layout
- VerticalLayoutData - feathers.layout
- VerticalListFixedRowLayout - feathers.layout
- VerticalListLayout - feathers.layout
- VirtualLayoutRange - feathers.layout
- motion
- effects
- actuate
- ActuateEffectContext - feathers.motion.effects.actuate
- ActuateForEffects - feathers.motion.effects.actuate
- IGotoActuator - feathers.motion.effects.actuate
- IReadableGenericActuator - feathers.motion.effects.actuate
- MethodEffectActuator - feathers.motion.effects.actuate
- SimpleEffectActuator - feathers.motion.effects.actuate
- BaseDelegateEffectContext - feathers.motion.effects
- BaseEffectContext - feathers.motion.effects
- EffectInterruptBehavior - feathers.motion.effects
- EventToPositionEffectContext - feathers.motion.effects
- IEffectContext - feathers.motion.effects
- NoOpEffectContext - feathers.motion.effects
- actuate
- transitions
- ColorFadeTransitionBuilder - feathers.motion.transitions
- CoverTransitionBuilder - feathers.motion.transitions
- FadeTransitionBuilder - feathers.motion.transitions
- IrisTransitionBuilder - feathers.motion.transitions
- RevealTransitionBuilder - feathers.motion.transitions
- SlideTransitionBuilder - feathers.motion.transitions
- WipeTransitionBuilder - feathers.motion.transitions
- effects
- skins
- activity
- BaseGraphicsPathSkin - feathers.skins
- ButtonMultiSkin - feathers.skins
- CircleSkin - feathers.skins
- DonutSkin - feathers.skins
- EllipseSkin - feathers.skins
- HorizontalLineSkin - feathers.skins
- IIndeterminateSkin - feathers.skins
- IProgrammaticSkin - feathers.skins
- LeftAndRightBorderSkin - feathers.skins
- MultiSkin - feathers.skins
- PillSkin - feathers.skins
- ProgrammaticSkin - feathers.skins
- RectangleSkin - feathers.skins
- TabSkin - feathers.skins
- TextInputMultiSkin - feathers.skins
- ToggleButtonMultiSkin - feathers.skins
- TopAndBottomBorderSkin - feathers.skins
- TriangleSkin - feathers.skins
- UnderlineSkin - feathers.skins
- VerticalLineSkin - feathers.skins
- style
- text
- themes
- utils
- AbstractDisplayObjectFactory - feathers.utils
- AbstractDisplayObjectRecycler - feathers.utils
- BitmapDataCache - feathers.utils
- DPadFocusUtil - feathers.utils
- DateUtil - feathers.utils
- DeviceUtil - feathers.utils
- DisplayObjectFactory - feathers.utils
- DisplayObjectRecycler - feathers.utils
- DisplayUtil - feathers.utils
- EdgePuller - feathers.utils
- ExclusivePointer - feathers.utils
- FocusUtil - feathers.utils
- KeyToState - feathers.utils
- LongPress - feathers.utils
- MathUtil - feathers.utils
- MeasurementsUtil - feathers.utils
- PointerToState - feathers.utils
- PointerTrigger - feathers.utils
- PopUpUtil - feathers.utils
- ScaleUtil - feathers.utils
- ScreenDensityScaleCalculator - feathers.utils
- Scroller - feathers.utils
- TextFormatUtil - feathers.utils
class LetterboxScaleManager
package feathers.core
extends EventDispatcher
implements IScaleManager
Ensures that the application has the same internal width and height on all devices, while scaling it larger or smaller to fit within the bounds of the stage. The application may be letterboxed on some screens, which means that there may be some empty space on the top and bottom, or on the left and right, of the application's bounds within the window. The application will always be centered within the stage bounds.
The following example creates a LetterboxScaleManager
with an original
width value of 960.0
and an original height value of 640.0
var manager = new LetterboxScaleManager(960.0, 640.0);
application.scaleManager = manager;
.See also:
new(originalWidth:Float, originalHeight:Float)
Creates a new LetterboxScaleManager
The scale manager's original height value that will be scaled to fit within the stage dimensions.
.See also:
The scale manager's original width value that will be scaled to fit within the stage dimensions.
.See also: